For a safe and convenient journey here is our address:
Warmbader Allee 56 9500 Villach
In the case you have any problems finding us, please do not hesitate and contact us via mobile: +43/(0)664/1131597
An initiative here in the region that tries to improve the mobility of tourists and guests in the area can be reached via:
If you arrive on the railway station in Villach you have several possibilities to come to our house:
Bus: you can use the bus routes 1, 2, 9, 10 and 12. The stops Steirerhof, Hohlweg and Milesistraße / Schächtestraße are within 5 minutes walking distance (more information about the time table etc. can you find on the homepage of the bus operator:
Train :here you can use the local S-Bahn and get off at the station Warmbad. However, here is still a walk of about 20min to accept.
Bahnhofshuttle: this is a shuttle that brings you directly to our house, for registration just click here:
Arrival via aircraft If you arrive on the airport in Klagenfurt we would ask you to book an airport taxi via